

2024澳中经济合作论坛正式启动 (塔斯马尼亚)

你好塔州 昨天 13:16 阅读 1121 来自: LAN

1. 庆祝中国国家主席习近平访问塔斯马尼亚州10周年。习近平主席在访问时强调,塔斯马尼亚州在澳大利亚独具特色,同中国合作潜力很大。希望双方借中澳建立全面战略伙伴关系和建设自由贸易区的东风,拓展经贸领域合作;

2. 庆祝福建省与塔斯马尼亚州建立友好省州关系43周年,并借助澳中经济合作论坛的契机,邀请福建省代表性企业来塔州访问,促进两地扩大双向贸易、产业园区、文教、旅游等领域交流与合作;




Significance of the Forum

- Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of President Xi Jinping's visit to Tasmania:

During his visit, President Xi emphasized that Tasmania is unique in Australia and has great potential for cooperation with China. He expressed the hope that both sides would leverage the establishment of a free trade area between China and Australia to expand cooperation in the economic and trade sectors.

- Celebrating the 43rd Anniversary of the Sister Relationship between Fujian Province and Tasmania:

Utilizing the opportunity presented by the Australia-China Economic Cooperation Forum, representative enterprises from Fujian Province are invited to visit Tasmania to promote the expansion of bilateral trade, industrial parks, cultural and educational exchanges, tourism, and other areas of cooperation between the two regions.

- Strengthening Australia-China Business Relations: the forum will explore ways to enhance business relations between the two countries.

We aim to promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation in innovation, trade, investment, and other fields, opening up new opportunities for cooperation and drive prosperity and development of both economies.

- Creating a Platform for Exchange and Communication:

The forum will gather renowned corporate executives and academics to share and discuss insights from various industries, focusing on development trends across different sectors.

- Promoting Resource Sharing and Mutual Understanding:

The forum aims to deepen mutual understanding and trust between Australia and China by promoting resource sharing in various fields. It seeks to create more business opportunities and space for cooperation, thereby supporting the stable development of both economies.

活动方案 Event Plan

主办机构: 澳大利亚中国总商会墨尔本分会(维州&塔州)
Host: China Chamber of Commerce in Australia Melbourne Branch (VIC&TAS)

战略支持: 澳洲塔州华人社团联合理事会
Strategic Partner: The Federation of Chinese Associations Tasmania Incorporated

日期 Date:    30th October, 2024
地点 Venue:    Tasman Room, Wrest Point Hotel, Hobart

暂定议程 Draft Agenda

12:30-17:15 论坛 Forum

- 先进制造和技术领域的新兴可持续创新
- 跨行业向可再生能源和去碳化过渡
- 农业企业的可持续性和具有韧性的食品系统
- 推动可持续的国际教育与旅游合作

- Emerging sustainable innovation in advanced manufacturing and technology

- Transitioning to renewable energy and decarbonisation across industry

- Sustainability in agribusiness and resilient food systems

- Promoting sustainable international education and tourism cooperation

19:00-21:30 欢迎晚宴 Banquet

- 歌唱澳中两国国歌

- 欢迎致辞、嘉宾致辞

- 自由交流、文艺表演

- National Anthems of China and Australia

- Welcome Address and Keynote Speeches

- Networking and Performances

商务合作 Business Collaboration



We sincerely invite sponsors and table bookings for this event. If you are interested, please contact the secretariat at melbranch@cccaau.org.


