

Tasmania Cradle Mountain

Eida 2015-2-21 19:10:41 风景 阅读 13851 来自: 中国台湾
参与人数 1人气 +10 塔币 +10 收起 理由
bulekuler + 10 + 10 很给力!

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Hi, I'm Eida.Taiwan's Backpacker. I will stay in Tasmania Hobart for working holiday in March 2015 . I offer Mobile Hair Cut service for Men & Women. You can choose the place where you feel comfortable to haircut. Like " Your backyard, Park , Beach...." Although I have been work in Salon shop. Because I'm also backpacker from other country, I know we need some low price service for some student and part time job, seldom income people. We still need to keep our looks.... more importantly I like make friends & trip... So I can arrange day off time service for you... Just one inbox message,we can haircut everywhere... Service:Hair Cut Place: Hobart / Sandybay Price: Men $10 aud Women $15 aud Time: My Day Off time... inbox discuss.... Stylist: Eida Tsai E-mail : kyon0707@hotmail.com FB fans : www.facebook.com/EidaMSalon (I will post outdoor hair cut active in FB) Line:Eita77 Wechat:Eita0707 PS !!!!! I need collected at least 4 people the same area to cover my traffic fee. Welcome invite your friends cut together in the same time.. for further service like "Colour" and "Perm" Or more completly and comfortable haircut service. We can do that in Salon shop... The price will depends on Shop Menu.. 你好,我是Eida,來自台灣的美髮師背包客~ 本身有在美髮店上班, 但休假日喜歡到處走走...認識朋友, 所以提供另外的低價服務給學生,背包客,不便外出人士... 2014年7月7日,我生日那天在塔斯發生嚴重車禍, 傷到脊椎壓迫性骨折,差點癱瘓,幸好撿回一條命... 很感謝塔斯的救護人員,醫院,朋友... 若有行動不便的朋友也歡迎預約,可到府服務~ 設計師:Eida 服務項目:行動剪髮(男女皆可) 地點:霍巴特 Hobart,Sandy Bay /塔斯馬尼亞 (澳洲) (可到府服務,再私訊告知住址) 價格:男生 $10 AUD 女生 $15 AUD 時間:休假日(未固定) TEL: E-mail :kyon0707@hotmail.com FB 粉絲團 : www.facebook.com/EidaMSalon (外剪活動將發布FB粉絲團) Line:Eita77 Wechat:Eita0707 因路程關係,同一地區外剪希望可以一次多一點人, 基本上累積四人以上,才會外出,不便之處請見諒~ 另外: 本身有在Hobart市區美髮店上班, 也可至店裡消費,方便,省時,環境,工具齊全 若需洗,染,吹服務,建議至店中... 價格依美髮店收費... 可私訊提供店家資訊...