


jasonleelp 2009-11-26 22:51:38 其他 阅读 4830 来自: 中国广东广州
想问一下前辈们有没有成功申请飞行常客? 我试几次都出现错误. 不知为何



nathanxu 来自: 澳大利亚


Are you talking about Frequent Flyer?  Yes, I am a member, I had no problem with it.  Are you applying for it in China or Australia?
回复 · 2009-11-27 00:04:53
jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


对啊, 就是这个! 我是在中国申请的, 有不一样的吗?
回复 · 2009-11-27 00:13:34
johnnie 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2009-11-27 07:31:42
jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


试了5次了..还是一样的结果. 请问副区长, 你是怎么样注册成功的?
回复 · 2009-11-27 09:54:31
nathanxu 来自: 澳大利亚


5# jasonleelp

I had no problem when I applied my frequent flyer.  I am sorry buddy, I have no idea what happened on your computer.  Can you try to make the application on the English version of the website?  Maybe it can make some kind of difference.

If you only want to accrual frequent flyer points on your way to Australia, you can apply a Japan Airline or Cathay Pacific card as well.  Both of those airline are part of Oneworld as well as Qantas.  So you can collect points on Qantas flight with a Japan Airline card.  

Good luck
回复 · 2009-11-27 10:35:04
jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


其实注册的时候一直是英文的, 有人说如果地区选的不是中国就没有问题了, 但我感觉如果不选资料就不正确的了. 我再想办法试试看吧! 谢谢副区长的回复!!谢谢!
回复 · 2009-11-27 11:39:43
nathanxu 来自: 澳大利亚


7# jasonleelp

Hi buddy, do you have a place in Hobart yet?  If you do, maybe you should register that address.  Or if you have a friend in Hobart, just use their address for now.  You can always change your address online anyway.  

You must however remember your frequent flyer number and pin number, you will have to quote your frequent flyer number when you book your ticket or collecting boarding pass.  You could also apply for a frequent flyer while in Australia, if you can provide your ticket and boarding within 12 months of the flight, you can still collect your point.  

Its a good idea to apply the frequent flyer.  If you are going to fly Virgin Blue, you can apply their frequent flyer as well.
回复 · 2009-11-27 16:40:38
jasonleelp 楼主 来自: 中国广东广州


Thank you for telling me a lot. I have temporary place to live. but as you probably know already, if you applying the frequent flyer use australia, i have to pay.

Did you apply it by using the Australia address? This is the first time I buy ticket to Australia, and it is return! So there are lot of point that I should collect. And that's one of reasons why I want to apply frequent flyer.

However, it also exist error during the joining process! It made me crazy!!! Some one told me filling the other areas such as Hongkong or Taiwai is available. But I am worried about the true of information.  Now, I have to find another way to apply.

But any way! Thank you all the support from you! Thank you!
回复 · 2009-11-27 20:58:38
nathanxu 来自: 澳大利亚


Thank you for telling me a lot. I have temporary place to live. but as you probably know already, if you applying the frequent flyer use australia, i have to pay.

Did you apply it by using the Aus ...
jasonleelp 发表于 27/11/2009 20:58

You are right, there is a cost to apply in Australia.  However, there is a way to get around it in Australia.  It is free if you apply a Woolworth membership. (Woolworth is a major shopping centre in Australia)  However, that program is not available in Tasmania.  Why don't you apply a Japan Airline or Cathy Pacific frequent flyer.  They are all members of Oneworld, you can aural points to those frequent flyer as well.
回复 · 2009-11-27 22:18:18