

A trip to Sichuan - Part 3

ceciliachiu 2013-3-28 22:20:37 风景 阅读 15718 来自: 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 ceciliachiu 于 2013-3-28 22:21 编辑

After Xiling Xue Shan, we went to Huang Long. We were lucky that weather that day was marvellous and we were able to see the brilliant colours in the calcific ponds.

The Huang Long airport was just re-opened after the earthquakes. At 3474m above sea level, it is the third highest in China and the second highest airport I have travelled to.

The weather was so good that we did not take the cable car but walked to the top. That was certainly a good decision as we could see the change in colours in the ponds as the day light changed.

One of the Tibetan temples on the mountain

stunningly beautiful

The water is so crystal clear that details of the calcified branches and objects at the bottom of the ponds are clearly visible.

Flora and fauna at Huanglong

The only photo my husband and me had together throughout the trip

Almost everything tourists get on the mountains are carried by porters. Life is tough.




我於2005年5月移居澳洲塔斯曼尼亞,居於Launceston,現為translator, English editor and copywriter 。具有NAATI翻譯員資格(NAATI NO. 60299)。 喜愛旅遊和交友 。個人網頁:www.ceciliachiu.com