1. 2014年1月24日后塔洲的190签证好像政策放松了,也就是申请者只要是塔州大学毕业,并且读满两年,然后通过职业评估和达到55分,就可以申请这个签证,对吧? 2. 我看到官网上的一句话: Notices of nomination from theTasmanian Government are valid for six months, and are not transferable to anyother State or Territory. Once you have received your notice of nomination, youmust complete an expression of interest in SkillSelect,and provide this office with your reference number. We will then confirm yournomination directly with DIBP which will initiate an invitation to apply foryour selected visa. 我想问的另一个问题是,在线提交EOI之前必须要拿到塔州的notice of nomination,那么这个notice of nomination可以什么时候申请,可以在没有拿到职业评估前先申请吗,然后等到职业评估下来了,再提交EOI,因为这样好像不会浪费时间.还有就是在哪里可以申请notice of nomination? 3. 塔州190签证的审理速度快吗?邀请函下来的速度快吗?