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TASMANIA’s fastest growing region could be set for another boom period, with development applications beginning to steadily roll in.
Kingborough Council deputy general manager Tony Ferrier said development applications were up by 20-25 per cent for the first half of the year compared with 2013.
Major developments coming up for the area include a Bunnings superstore in Kingston, a multi-million dollar shopping complex at Margate, two significant car dealerships in Kingston plus the redevelopment of the former Kingston High School site.
The region experienced an explosion in population, infrastructure and commercial development over several years in the 2000s.
“In 2009, that was when things were really booming in relation to development activity,” Mr Ferrier said. “Since then it’s virtually halved and for new houses it’s dropped down to about a third. Activity plateaued in 2012 and 2013 and we’re just noticing an increase since the beginning of this year. It’s about a 20-25 per cent increase, which is quite significant.”
The 2011 Census revealed the Kingborough area experienced a population boost of nine per cent – the highest for any local government area in Tasmania.
The majority of people moving to the area came from other states and territories.
Mayor Graham Bury said he had seen remarkable growth in the region during his nine years at the helm.
“From 2000-2010, for every 100 people who came to Tasmania, 40 of them came to Kingborough,” he said.
“It’s slowed down at the moment but we do have more residential developments in the pipeline on the outskirts of Kingston at Spring Farm and Huntingfield.”
A report by the Institute for Sustainable Futures recently revealed Kingborough is the state’s greenest local government area, with a tree canopy covering 66 per cent of the area.
“The challenge we have ahead of us is balancing growth and the natural environment, which is one of the major reasons people want to come live in the area,” Cr Bury said.
“We don’t want ribbon development all the way down the Channel Highway. Channel villages need to remain discreet areas and our planning scheme will hopefully support that intention.”
Set to become the new heart of Kingston and the centrepiece development for the region, the transformation of the former Kingston High School site will unfold over the next five to 10 years.
The mixed-use development will feature a civic centre, a residential element, commercial uses such as cafes and offices plus a variety of community spaces.
Mayor Bury said at least 40 per cent of the land would be used as open public space.
Tenders for the demolition are due by later this month and demolition is expected to happen in November or December.
Kingborough Council greens candidate Richard Atkinson said he was supportive of the overall vision for the school site but wanted the vacant land to be used in the meantime.
“Since the planned development won’t be finished for 10 years, let’s use the site right now for community projects like community gardens, markets and seasonal events,” he said.
Mr Atkinson, with Hobart City Council alderman Bill Harvey, is campaigning for the old car park to be used as a park and ride service into Hobart.
“There is just something broken in the way that we are running this place,” he said.
“If you could walk, ride your bike or drive your car here, there could be somewhere safe to store your car, grab a decent cup of coffee and if there was wi-fi plus a bus every 10 minutes, it would be a great use of the space in the interim.”
Also set to bring more activity to Kingston is a Bunnings 24,000 sq m megastore at Spring Farm Rd off the Channel Highway.
The retail giant says its seventh Tasmanian store will generate up to 165 jobs in construction and more than 110 ongoing roles.
Macquarie Builders is currently constructing a $2.9 million Toyota showroom in the heart of the Kingston CBD due to be finished by October.
Developer Errol Stewart has also jumped on the Kingston bandwagon, with plans for a $10 million car dealership. JMC Group has bought a 3.5ha landholding at Kingston and a development application is expected to be lodged soon.
Another retail addition to the region is the Kalis Group’s Margate shopping complex, with construction expected within the next few months.
The complex proposed includes two two-storey buildings facing the Channel Highway containing about 16 shops and offices.
It also includes one large tenancy with floor space of about 2500m2 and a carpark with more than 200 spaces.
Over the past 10 years, the Margate/Snug area has been the second fastest growing statistical area in Tasmania with a 39.2 per cent growth rate. |