塔斯马尼亚大学副校长 Professor Peter Rathjen 云南师范大学与澳洲塔斯马尼亚大学共建的“中澳跨文化研究中心”,18日在塔斯马尼亚州首府霍巴特举行成立仪式。 塔州州长霍奇曼在仪式上说,这个研究中心坐落在该州的亚洲研究院,将为中国和澳洲提供跨文化研究和智库支持,以促进塔斯马尼亚和云南之间的经贸、教育、文化交流。塔州政府一直致力于加强同中国的教育合作,希望吸引更多中国留学生前来深造交流。 云南师范大学校长杨林在接受采访时表示,此次成立文化中心,是积极响应“一带一路”国家战略,将文化教育交流与经济合作相结合,联结澳洲和云南的企业,以中心的建设发展为载体,聚合双方的高端智力资源,吸引全球化社会资源,促进中澳跨文化研究人才培养,推进中澳民间的跨文化互识互信。 塔斯马尼亚大学建于1890年,是澳洲4大历史名校之一,也是塔州唯一的大学。
A statement from our Vice Chancellor, Professor Peter Rathjen, regarding the visit today by China’s President Xi Jinping:
"The University of Tasmania has an enduring friendship with China.
We are deeply honoured that President Xi Jinping has chosen to visit our home, Australia’s only island state.
Recognised as one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, the University of Tasmania will celebrate 125 years of excellence in teaching, learning and research in 2015. Ranked within the top 2% of Universities worldwide and as one of the top 10 research universities in Australia, the University of Tasmania has a reputation nationally and internationally as a world class institution.
For many years, we have built mutually beneficial ties with China in areas such as maritime and marine studies, engineering, food and agriculture, health, education and chemistry. Our existing expertise in Australia-Asia relations was further strengthened this year with the opening of the Asia Institute Tasmania and we are proud of our research, teaching and exchange collaborations with universities and institutions in China.
We are a truly international institution, welcoming students from every continent of the world. We are grateful that many Chinese parents and students recognise the great merits of our University, and are proud that many in our global network of alumni are at home in China.
We welcome the opportunity to build upon this friendship and value President Xi’s visit in drawing Tasmanian attention to the rich culture and history of China."
Professor Peter Rathjen Vice-Chancellor and President
University of Tasmania 来源:新华网