

昨晚Bridgewater区发生枪扫射 目前原因不明

Mao 2012-4-23 15:55:32 阅读 8109 来自: 澳大利亚

昨晚Bridgewater区发生枪扫射 , 家里当时一家5口人都在,包括两个孩子,还好都在后面的房间没有受伤,目前原因不明,户主说他们是"a normal family" 怎么感觉跟看电影一样啊?还好Bridgewater距离同学们平时活动的区域比较远!听说是Hobart附近比较乱的区域。

MORE THAN a dozen police detectives and forensics officers are investigating a near-fatal drive-by shooting at Bridgewater last night.

Two shots were fired in close succession from a shotgun in Maxwell Drive Bridgewater.  O shot shattered the front window of the kitchen as one of the five people, including two children, inside at the time was standing at the back of the room.

The shot hit the blind inside the window and sprayed a microwave sitting on the bench.

The man in the kitchen was uninjured.

"But if he had been standing closer to the window he obviously would have been hit and, yes, he could have been killed," lead investigator Detective Sergeant Nick Preshaw said outside the Salvation Army-owned home this morning.

Aside from the presence of blue-overalled police forensics officers combing the front lawn and driveway for shotgun shell casings and and any evidence that might provide a clue as to the identity of the shooter or shooters, the waterfront cul-de-sac appeared peaceful and completely nondescript this morning.

Police have no idea what motivated the shooting and say the woman, her adult son and daughter and the daughter's two infant children are "a normal family".

Next-door neighbour Cindy Henricks said she was in the kitchen when she heard the first loud "boom" and went outside where she called out to the neighbours to see if they were ok.

"They stayed inside at first as you would but then they came out and I spoke to them to make sure they were all OK.

"It was a very frightening experience."

The family left last night and police say they are staying with relatives.

A white sedan without its headlights on was seen speeding away from the home.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Eastern CIB on 6230 2685.





xukai19870523 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-4-23 17:17:26
abaobaomama 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-4-23 18:25:30
business_man917 来自: 澳大利亚


回复 · 2012-4-23 23:41:00
樱桃很好吃 来自: 澳大利亚


看了这个新闻突然想到一个问题, 霍巴特有专门的练射击的地方吗? 就像美剧里面的那种,室内的,戴耳麦的那种?

回复 · 2012-4-25 02:33:11