

Double vision

ceciliachiu 2012-5-17 12:56:47 阅读 7156 来自: 澳大利亚
2 November 2011 Wednesday, Day 21

I had problems reading these days though I was not supposed to read.  I was reading a newspaper and a nurse walked by.  She saw me lowering my head to read the paper which was resting on the meal trolley. She said I should not be reading and off she went to get a doctor.  The doctor came and said I should not bend my neck and the brace was slack 鬆. So the orthotic staff came and tightened everything up. Now, if I wanted to read a newspaper, I had to hold it up level to my eyes.  As I was one handed, it was almost impossible.

The only occasion I had to read was to tick what I wanted in the menu. The words on the paper were blurry  模糊的 and I had to close one of my eyes to get a clearer picture.  I thought it was because I still had a bloodshot left eye.

In the Day Room when I had my physio sessions, I had the chance to look at distant things through the curtain wall 玻璃幕牆. Then I realised the blurry image was double vision 重影.  I saw two identical 一樣的 houses in the distance which were indeed 事實是 one.

My friend said my nails were too long and yes they were. Nails in the right hand were brown or chocolate in colour because of the blood stains. As my right hand was in a full cast (only the finger tips were not covered), I did not and could not use it and therefore rarely 絕少 washed it. It looked like a ghost hand in a Chinese eerie 鬼魅的 story.

My husband got me a nail clipper and I clipped the right hand nails myself.  I could move my right hand fingers and hold the clipper. However, my fingers had not got the strength to bite the clipper into the nails. So I asked a nurse to help cut my left hand nails.  

After trimming 修剪 the nails, I spent considerable 大量 time to clean the blood stains 污漬 on the nails. It took three days of cleaning to get all the stains off.




我於2005年5月移居澳洲塔斯曼尼亞,居於Launceston,現為translator, English editor and copywriter 。具有NAATI翻譯員資格(NAATI NO. 60299)。 喜愛旅遊和交友 。個人網頁:www.ceciliachiu.com