[综合信息] 惊爆消息移民局计划清除等候审理申请人(独家原创)
本帖最后由 stephen 于 2009-12-12 12:19 编辑
DIAC manoeuvres to shake up the GSM system
In consultation with key state and territory representatives DIAC has unveiled its proposed changes to the general skilled migration program. These changes will have a dramatic impact upon those international students who are planning to lodge EGSM applications when they finish their 2 years of study next year.
Targets applicants (including in the Independent category) with skills of high economic value and in the numbers required by the labour market;
目标: 申请人必须必须有高经济价值和劳工市场需求
Selects skilled migrants on the basis of those who score the highest rather than those who simply meet the prescribed pass mark;
选择: 技术移民拥有最高的分数而不是那些仅仅通过规定分数的申请者
Changes the relationship between the lodgment of an application and the legal obligation to grant a visa, thereby eliminating long and costly visa application pipelines;
Is agile and responsive to decisions to increase or decrease the size of the permanent migration program; and
灵活性: 灵活的决定增加或者降低永久居民批准的数量
Complements the `demand-driven’ employer sponsored visa categories.”
补充: 由需求推动的雇主担保签证类别
DIAC plans to cut students from the waiting lists
Currently there are 137,500 applicants waiting to be processed for GSM visas alone. This is more than double the entire current 65,300 places allocated to international students. In addition to this DIAC is receiving about 10,000 applications a month so by the end of the financial year there approximately another 60,000 will be joining the current backlog before the end of this financial year next ending June 2010.
One of the most concerning aspects of DIAC’s plans above is that they intend to cut students from the waiting lists to “eliminating long and costly visa application pipelines”.
This will mean that there will no longer be any certainty of gaining your visa just because you lodged your application. There is also the possibility DIAC may retrospectively apply these changes to those students already waiting for their residency on bridging visas.
从以上变化可以看出:即使你申请了签证,同时符合申请时候所有法律要求,也不再意味着你一定可以获得永久居民签证。同时,移民局也可能清除那些已经拥有过桥签证正在等待审理的签证申请人 |