回复 nathanxu 的帖子
Telstra's Northgate store was the only one adv. open in the midnight, We were lined up in Telstra's line..there were about 100 ppl there already..
just few mins later, i saw few ppl went into the allphone store turn the light on..
then i told my friend to line up over there just incase they do have iphone too,
later the staff came out of the store said they do have iphone too(didnt say how many) so all the friends went to line up at allphone's..there wrere few other ppl came to line up aswell... ppl was asking how many they got...they said..a few..later that we found out only 2.!!!!!....they also said that Telstra only got 19... one guy was in front of was took the 16GB iphone.. he was a friend of the staff member... so we got the 36g one..the only 2 is gone... by the time my friends sign up the waiting list thing..ppl still geting iphone out from the telstra store... so .. if you wanna get a iphone asap, get a telstra, if you wanna get a good plan, get a optus, but just have to wait tho..