Buying car from caryard in tassie basically like this.
s:hi, hey you going mate?
b:good thanks,
b:It is a nice wheel, how much you gonna to sell this one?
s:it is about 5999 bucks, we have a quick promotion these days,it is cheap and with a big discount.good on you mate.
b:come on, the other shop only 5399 with 3 year warranty. how about 4999 with a car inspection?
s: no , that is impossible.
b: okay, that is right, 88
s: wait wait, u got cash?
b: yeah, i got a lot.
s: let's get it done. 5399.
b: no i said 4999.
s:let's figure out a balance price ,which is 5200 with car inpection. right ?
b: no worries mate, sounds reasonable. it is done. :handshake
:loveliness: |