postcodes blacklisted by lenders 被贷款机构上黑名单的邮政编号 settlement failures across the country 全国范围内的交付失败 areas flagged by lenders as problem spots 被借贷机构标明为问题地区的地方 lower loan-to-value ratios 更低的贷款比例 with opportunistic groups reading themselves to buy 投机集团准备购买 it would not be surprising if there was overshoot in the apartment market 对公寓市场的错误判断 zero in on the widening gulf of competitiveness 对准这个日益增长的竞争力鸿沟 avoid investing in Australia altogether 完全避免投资澳大利亚 Qantas chairman Leigh also weighed in, expressing frustration with the federal government’s inability to get small tax cuts for business across the line as Britain and the US positioned themselves for growth. 加入争论 weigh in with: informal to join in an argument or fight
file:///C:/Users/wenbo/AppData/Local/Temp/Lingoes/Translator/2.9.2-cn_20150930125704/dict/temp/D4722835273E184582F2D24696A738EA/res_i_8CB0DC57.pngThe chairman then weighed in with his views.
Australia has to be mindful of its competitiveness for investment 小心 Values in Port Hedland and Karratha have found a bottom (房屋)价值见底 The market is about to turn 市场即将逆转 The median house price in South Hedland crashed 70 percent in just four years from 850,000 to 250,000.
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