Hi every one, how is going?
There are some events in the following weeks:
1. A good business opportunity for you.
If you are good at cooking, you can Sell YOUR FOOD and RENT A STALL WITH LOW PRICE
You can:
Have a stall: Member fee: $60/stall Non-member:$70/stall
Share with others (usually, 4 persons share a stall):
Member fee: $16/person Non-member:$20/person
Time: 15 August-Multicultural festivals
Venue: TUU ref step
If you are interested in that, please let me know as soon as possible- deadline 16 July (Thursday). Limited stalls are available. Call: 0411822719
2. New management vacancies in ISS
One vice president:
High interpersonal skills and communication skills
High commitment to student activities
Event/ project executives:
Bright ideas of organizing events-party, bbq and so on.
Abilities of coordinating peoples who are involved.
Abilities of dealing with emergency in the project.
Kind regards
International student society |