

Hobart City Apartment - everything else is included except for food M ...

anjunw 2022-2-13 14:42:01 阅读 1046 来自: 澳大利亚
霍巴特地区: Hobart City
房屋地址: -
房屋租期: 长租
房屋户型: Apartment
出租方式: 单间
出租租金: 525
房屋配置: 水电 网络 电话 电视 冰箱 微波炉 厨房用具 洗衣机 沙发 床 空调 停车位 其他 
允许宠物: 不可以
入住时间: 2022-02-28
房屋来源: 中介
联系人: W
手机号: 0410873322
Hobart City Apartment - everything else is included except for food

Must be female tenant

About the house:
- Two bedrooms and two baths- leasing the master bedroom with ensuite.
- Apart from food, anything and everything else is included:
    - Room service (cleaning etc.), accessories, towels, Beddings, Shampoo, lotion, kitchen materials  ….

About the location
- Centre of CBD: 80 Elizabeth st
- Restaurants within seconds, Woolworths 3 min
- The balcony facing a quiet street

About the tenant:
- Must be FEMALE and a single person. (The other tenant is also female.)
- 6 month min , prefer one year lease
- 525/wk (half of the total rent- 1050/wk )

More than welcome to host inspections!

